How did HKH Tutoring start?
HKH Tutoring (Hanyane ka Hanyane Tutoring) is a locally based, tutoring business created by Roe Wiid. Since the economy does not allow much financial freedom these days, it is very important to get the most from the money you spend. HKH Tutoring was created to ensure exactly that! We can offer tutoring opportunities without the middleman, thus keeping the cost low without sacrificing quality.
What makes HKH Tutoring different from all the other tutoring companies?
The price!! Since we do all the tutoring ourselves, we can provide tutoring services at a fraction of the price of big competitors and still guarantee quality tutoring services. For us, you will be a valued customer and not just one of the masses!
What are my qualifications and experience?
The main tutor, Roe Wiid, has completed B.Sc, B.Sc Honours, and M.Sc degrees in Zoology at the University of the Free State, as well as a PGCE at Akademia. He was a practical demonstrator and student assistant for first-year Biology, second-year Zoology, and third-year Zoology students from 2008 - 2011. From 2012 - 2016 he presented the first-year Biology practical classes at the UFS. Since 2017 he's been teaching High School Physical Sciences and Mathematics.
HKH Tutoring also uses additional graduates when the workload becomes too much for Roe, to ensure high-quality service at all times.
What is the motto of HKH Tutoring?
To provide quality tutoring, bit by bit (hanyane ka hanyane).